Member-only story
What I’ve learned in my 24th year|Kennedy Montecue| 12–30–19| 12pm
Today is the very last day I can and will ever say I’m 24-years-old. It’s so weird because I don’t really start settling into my age until it’s time for me to turn another. I guess that's kind of how life is if you think about it. Once you start to feel comfortable where you are, the universe wants to through in a curveball. However, I’m grateful for it. I mean, no grows in their comfort zone. If I wouldn’t have taken the leap to go freelance or start a blog full-time I don’t think I would be here, and you wouldn’t know who I am or what I do or even what I plan to do!
Today, I want to talk about everything I’ve learned this year (Some are not-so-serious.)
1- I’m not Fix-it Felix
I’ve learned that I can’t help, or fix everything. Sometime’s it’s okay to let others figure it out for themselves rather than you trying to come up with a solution.
2- Negative words are like mean comments on the internet (delete them)
3- It’s okay still like man-bands and Harry Styles
- I’m still in my twenties okay. I need to enjoy my life sometimes ;)